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I am back!


I have been MIA for about maybe a year and a half. I have missed writing in so many ways. I have been overwhelmed recently and I remembered that blogging helped me release some of the stress and calm down.

Let me tell you what happened since my last post

I got engaged, I moved cities and planning another move across the continent!

Yes I got engaged to the love of my life!! His name is David and he lives in New York. And Let me tell you about New York- he majority of it, is so unlike the movies! I was so shocked! Don’t get me wrong, Manhattan is amazing! But everywhere else is shocking compared to what Hollywood shows us.

Enough about my engagement and New York, this is a story for another time. During that past year, I have gone through a lot of emotional roller coasters, I have learned so many lessons and in the middle of it all, I have made new friendships and sadly, I may have lost one of dearest friends- still breaks my heart and I am unable to put it behind me. I pray for her and wish her well.

Let’s get to updates! In one my previous posts, I had mentioned that I got a promotion at work in less than a year. Well guess what, 1 year and 2 months later, I got another one!

In Spring 2023, I was so ready to learn more, to expand my knowledge at work. I was ready to move on. I started creeping the postings daily- in Calgary of course but with no leads. One day I thought to myself, why not try Edmonton? And I did. I found a posting for the position I want. I talked to my manager and she encouraged me to apply and sent a recommendation. A week goes by, and I hear nothing. My manager then tells me that that position was filled but another one wants me. Long story short, I passed the interview and I got the job. Unfortunately, this whole situation had caused some issues with some close people but it was an opportunity I couldn’t pass. And I didn’t. I had so little time to pack up and go. I did though. I moved…again. After 11 years and a half I packed and moved. It was not as terrible as the first move across the globe but I was struggling. And i still do.

On the bright side, I am with my brother, my sister, her husband and my baby nephew. Surprise! I am also a new auntie. My nephew brightens my world with his laugh and smile. He is the source of life in deadmonton…I mean Edmonton.

Anyway, I started my new job at the new location and I am really enjoying it. I am learning so much and some of my co-workers are amazing!

I have learned that sometimes God will put us in situations to act or to change the course of our life, to start a new path. While on said path, new relationships can be built and others may not be fitting that new path anymore. We have to learn to accept it even when we don’t understand it or when it’s heart-breaking.

I am on this new path with so many adventures coming and I am excited to share them :)

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